70 Game Design Icons Colorpop Series » Free Download Vector Stock Image
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  • Author: admin
  • Date: 28-02-2019, 18:52
28-02-2019, 18:52

70 Game Design Icons Colorpop Series

Category: VECTOR

70 Game Design Icons Colorpop Series

70 Game Design Icons Colorpop Series
Video games have been in a rise these days, with the advent of Esports, now designing a video game can be a very useful skill! Game design is essential in delivering a perfect experience for the players and can innovate the way people see games.It could be used as a learning tool, or to tell a great story!
These 70 Game Design Icons aim to help you tell a great story as well! With these icons, we hope that you can visualize your dreams and share it to other people. It’s very versatile, too! As a marketing tool? Check. As a presentation icon? Check. As an icon on your website or app? Double check! You can go out there and share the world of your ideas!
Layered PSD | Vector EPS | Ai Illustrator | PNG | SVG

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